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Public Notices

Public Notices

  • It is the intent of the board of education that the Kirbyville R-VI School District abide by the provisions of current copyright and intellectual property laws. As stated in board policy EGAAA, copyrighted materials will not be duplicated, reproduced, distributed or displayed within district-owned facilities, for district-sponsored activities, or by using district equipment except in accordance with law.

    If you believe that your work has been used on this web site in a way that would constitute copyright infringement, please provide the following information required by the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 512:

    1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
    2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;
    3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;
    4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the Complaining Party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
    5. A statement that the Complaining Party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
    6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the Complaining Party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.



    Please notify our designated agent:

    Dr. Carless Osbourn
    6225 E. State Highway 76
    Kirbyville, Missouri 65679

  • Annual Financial Audit Reports




    Quarterly Financial Data



    The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) is DESE's umbrella program to provide virtual education to students throughout the state of Missouri. MOCAP contracts with vendors to provide virtual learning to districts. 



    Virtual Instruction Policies



    Kirbyille partners with LAUNCH, a state-approved vendor, to provide this opportunity to students. LAUNCH is a non-profit organization which offers over 180 courses to students in grades K-12. These courses are aligned to Missouri state standards and taught by Missouri certified teachers.  Click here to learn more about Launch.


    Time Frames

    The superintendent or designee will establish open enrollment periods and registration deadlines for students to enroll in virtual courses offered by the district.  These enrollment periods and registration deadlines will be strictly enforced unless the superintendent or designee determines that an exception is warranted due to circumstances such as a change in a student's health or the long-term suspension of a student. Enrollment periods and registration deadlines must align with the district's academic calendar and assessment schedule to the extent practicable.



    When determining if enrollment in a virtual course is the best educational decision for a student,
    the student and parent might consider the following information.

    Preferred Student Skills for Success in Virtual Courses:

    • Student has demonstrated time-management skills indicating a capability of submitting assignments and
    • completing course requirements without reminders.
    • Student has previous success with virtual coursework.
    • Student has technology resource access to participate in virtual courses.
    • Student has the necessary computer and technical skills for success in virtual course.
    • Student has demonstrated the verbal and/or written communication skills allowing for success in an
    • environment where the instructor may not provide nonverbal cues to support the student's understanding.
    • Student has demonstrated persistence in overcoming obstacles and willingness to seek assistance when needed.





  • The Kirbyville R-VI School District Board of Education is committed to maintaining a workplace and educational environment that is free from discrimination and harassment in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities. In accordance with law, the district strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law. The Kirbyville R-VI School District is an equal opportunity employer.

  • The district received an allocation of COVID-relief money from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds. To receive funds allocated under the ARP, school districts must publish information on their website that addresses mitigation and prevention strategies, continuity of services during interruptions to in-person learning, and periodic review and revision of the District’s plan.

    This plan is intended to provide guidelines to implement an effective response to a pandemic. The plan’s responses will reduce impact on students’ and the community’s health (i.e. reduce illness and possibly save lives) and minimize disruption to students’ education. Read the full plan here.

  • If you or another individual are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

    For additional resources visit the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Website and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

  • When students endure chronic stress or traumatic incidents, it can have both physiological and emotional consequences, often impairing their ability to function effectively in a school setting. The Trauma-Informed School Initiative is dedicated to establishing safe and nurturing educational environments where students can learn and reach their full potential. This initiative achieves this by recognizing the indicators of chronic stress and trauma and implementing effective response strategies. For further information, visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website for more information about the Trauma-Informed School Initiative.

  • Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) Complaint Procedures

    Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

    This guide explains how to file a complaint about any of the programs1 that are administered by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (the Department) under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)2.


    General Information

    1. What is a complaint?
    For these purposes, a complaint is a written allegation that a local education agency (LEA) or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (the Department) has violated a federal statute or regulation that applies to a program under ESSA.

    2. Who may file a complaint?
    Any individual or organization may file a complaint.

    3. How can a complaint be filed?
    Complaints can be filed with the LEA or with the Department.


    Complaints Filed with LEA

    4. How will a complaint filed with the LEA be investigated?
    Complaints filed with the LEA are to be investigated and attempted to be resolved according to the locally developed and adopted procedures.

    5. What happens if a complaint is not resolved at the local level (LEA)?
    A complaint not resolved at the local level may be appealed to the Department


    Complaints Filed with the Department

    6. How can a complaint be filed with the Department?

    1. A complaint filed with the Department must be a written, signed statement that includes: A statement that a requirement that applies to an ESSA program has been violated by the LEA or the Department, and
    2. The facts on which the statement is based and the specific requirement allegedly violated.

    7. How will a complaint filed with the Department be investigated?
    The investigation and complaint resolution proceedings will be completed within a time limit of forty-five calendar days. That time limit can be extended by the agreement of all parties.
    The following activities will occur in the investigation:

    1. Record. A written record of the investigation will be kept.
    2. Notification of LEA. The LEA will be notified of the complaint within five days of the complaint being filed.
    3. Resolution at LEA. The LEA will then initiate its local complaint procedures in an effort to first resolve the complaint at the local level.
    4. Report by LEA. Within thirty-five days of the complaint being filed, the LEA will submit a written summary of the LEA investigation and complaint resolution. This report is considered public record and may be made available to parents, teachers, and other members of the general public.
    5. Verification. Within five days of receiving the written summary of a complaint resolution, the Department will verify the resolution of the complaint through an on-site visit, letter, or telephone call(s).
    6. Appeal. The complainant or the LEA may appeal the decision of the Department to the U.S. Department of Education.

    8. How are complaints related to equitable services to nonpublic school children handled differently?
    In addition to the procedures listed in number 7 above, complaints related to equitable services will also be filed with the U.S. Department of Education, and they will receive all information related to the investigation and resolution of the complaint. Also, appeals to the United States Department of Education must be filed no longer than thirty days following the Department’s resolution of the complaint (or its failure to resolve the complaint).



    9. How will appeals to the Department be investigated?
    The Department will initiate an investigation within ten days, which will be concluded within thirty days from the day of the appeal. This investigation may be continued beyond the thirty day limit at the discretion of the Department. At the conclusion of the investigation, the Department will communicate the decision and reasons for the decision to the complainant and the LEA. Recommendations and details of the decision are to be implemented within fifteen days of the decision being delivered to the LEA.

    10. What happens if a complaint is not resolved at the state level (the Department)?
    The complainant or the LEA may appeal the decision of the Department to the United States Department of Education.

    1 Programs include Title I. A, B, C, D, Title II, Title III, Title IV.A, Title V

    2 In compliance with ESSA Title VIII- Part C. Sec. 8304(a)(3)(C)

    Local education agencies are required to disseminate, free of charge, this information regarding ESSA complaint procedures to parents of students and appropriate private school officials or representatives.

    Revised 4/17

  • Information relating to our various assessment dates is available here.


    District Assessment Plan

  • Kirbyville has developed a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan which outlines the goals and strategies the district has put in place as we continue to strive for excellence. 

    Read our CSIP plan here.

  • All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, children who live outside the district but are attending a private school within the district, highly mobile children, such
    as migrant and homeless children, children who are wards of the state and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The public school district assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health
    impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay.

    The public school district assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program.

    The public school district assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational
    record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of
    Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

    The public school district has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding
    storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed during regular school hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) on days school is in session, in the office of the
    Superintendent of Schools.

    The member districts of the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative: Ava R-1, Billings R-IV, Bradleyville R-I, Forsyth R-III, Kirbyville R-VI, Lutie R-VI, Mark Twain R-VIII, Taneyville R-II, Plainview R-VIII, Galena R-II, Hurley R-I, Chadwick R-I, Sparta R-III, Spokane R-VII, Shell Knob #78, Exeter R-VI, Niangua R-V, Thornfield R-I, and Clever R-V do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Lorri Osbourn, Director, Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative, PO Box 140 Kirbyville, MO 65679; 417-320-5040. For further information on notice of non-discrimination visit for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area or call 1-800-421-3481.

  • Pursuant to the requirements of state law, the State Board of Education is required to appoint a surrogate parent at such time as it becomes evident that a child with a disability does not have a parent or a person acting as a parent to participate in matters dealing with the provision of special education. For purposes of surrogate parent appointment, “parent” is defined as a biological parent, a guardian, or a person acting as a parent of a child including but not limited to, a grandparent, a step parent, or a foster parent with whom the child lives. The term does not include the State if the child is a ward of the State. The term does not include a person whose parental rights have been terminated.

    The local school district is given the responsibility to determine when a child with a disability who requires special education and who resides in the district is without a parent. The district must notify the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of the need to appoint a surrogate parent. Training for
    persons serving as surrogate parents will be provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the District.

    If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a surrogate parent more information can be obtained from the district’s Director of Special Services at 417-320-5040. Published on behalf of Ava R-1, Billings R-VI, Bradleyville R-I, Forsyth R-III, Kirbyville R-VI, Mark Twain R-VIII, Niangua R-V, Taneyville R-II, Plainview R-VIII, Galena R-II, Hurley R-I, Chadwick R-I, Sparta R-III, Spokane R-VII, Shell Knob #78, Exeter R-VI, Thornfield R-I, Clever R-V, and Lutie R-VI.

  • The Districts of the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative (listed below), as recipients of federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Education and operator of a public elementary or secondary education program and/or activity, is required to undertake to identify and locate every qualified person residing in the District who is not receiving a public education; and take appropriate steps to notify disabled
    persons and their parents or guardians of the District’s duty.

    The Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative member districts assures that it will provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to each qualified disabled person in the District’s jurisdiction regardless of the nature or severity of the person’s disability. For purposes of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the provision of an appropriate education is the provision of regular or special and related aids and services that (i) are designed to meet individual education needs of disabled persons as adequately as the needs of nondisabled persons are met and (ii) are based on adherence to procedures that satisfy the requirements of the 504 federal regulations.

    The Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative member district has developed a 504 Procedures Manual for the implementation of federal regulations for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Subpart D. This Procedures Manual may be reviewed at the Tri-Lakes Special Service Cooperative Administrative Office, 2404 State Hwy 248, Suite 4 Branson, MO from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on days that school is in session.

    Published on behalf of Ava R-1, Billings R-VI, Bradleyville R-I, Forsyth R-III, Kirbyville R-VI, Mark Twain R-VIII, Taneyville R-II, Plainview R-VIII, Galena R-II, Hurley R-I, Chadwick R-I, Sparta R-III, Spokane R-VII, Shell Knob #78, Exeter R-VI, Thornfield R-I, Niangua R-V, Lutie R-VI, and Clever R-V.


    This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.