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Board of Education

The school board is made up of elected representatives from around the Kirbyville community.  Each elected member serves for three years. Elections are held every year.   Questions may be directed to the board secretary and treasurer, Sarah Goodwin, at 417-337-8913.

  • A group photo of the Kirbyville board.  Board members from back row left to front row right: Ryan Sanders, Josh Brittain, Tom Motley, Brad Allbritton, Trula Plummer, Paul Michel, Rebecca Shrope.
    Board members from back row left to front row right: Ryan Sanders, Josh Brittain, Tom Motley, Brad Allbritton, Trula Plummer, Paul Michel, Rebecca Shrope.




Brad Allbritton

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Paul Michel
Vice President

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Josh Brittain

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Tom Motley

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Trula Plummer

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Ryan Sanders

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Rebecca Shrope

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Trula Plummer


Ryan Sanders


Rebrcca Shrope


pdfAA School District Legal Status pdfACA Sexual Harassment Under Title IX pdfAC Nondiscrimination and Anti Harassment Compliance Grievance Procedure pdfAC Prohibition against Illegal Discrimination, Harrassment and Retaliation pdfADF District Wellness Program pdfADF Educational Philosophy and District Mission pdfAFA Data Reporting pdfAF Accountability Commitment to Accomplishment pdfAH Use of Tobacco and Vaping Products pdfBBA School Board Powers and Duties pdfBBBA Board Member Qualifications pdfBBBB School Board Ballot Issues pdfBBB School Board Elections pdfBBC Board Member Resignation pdfBBD Board Member Removal From Office pdfBBE School Board Vacancies pdfBBFA Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure pdfBBF School Board Member Ethics pdfBCA Board Organization Meeting pdfBCB Board Officers pdfBCC Appointed Board Officials pdfBCD Closed Meetings, Records, and Votes pdfBCE Board Appointed Committees pdfBCE Board Committees Advisory Committees to the Board pdfBCG School Attorney Legal Services pdfBDA Board Meetings pdfBDDA Notification of Board Meetings pdfBDDB Agendas pdfBDC Closed Meetings Records And Votes pdfBDDF Voting Method pdfBDDG Board Meeting Minutes pdfBDDG Minutes pdfBDDH Public Participation at Board Meetings pdfBDDL Release of Information pdfBF School Board Policy Process pdfBHA Board Training and Development pdfBHA New Board Member Orientation pdfBHE Board Memeber Liability Insurance pdfBI School Board Legislative Program pdfBJ School Board Memberships pdfCBB Recruitment and Appointmentof the Superintendent pdfCBCBA Employee Walkouts, Strikes, and Other Disruptions pdfCBC Superintendents Contract Compensation and Benefits pdfCBG Evaluation of Superindent pdfCB School Superintendent pdfCFB Evaluation of Principals pdfCF School Building Administration pdfCGC State and Federal Programs Administration pdfCHCA Handbooks pdfCH Policy Implementation and Dissemination pdfDA Fiscal Responsibility pdfDB Annual Budget pdfDCB Political Campaigns pdfDC Taxing and Borrowing Authority and Limitations pdfDD Grants pdfDEA Revenues From Tax Sources pdfDED Disposition of Unbudgeted Revenue pdfDFA Revenues from Investments Use of Surplus Funds pdfDFI Setting Tuition for District Programs pdfDFI1 Setting Tuition For District Programs pdfDGA Authorized Signatures pdfDG Depository of Funds pdfDH Bonded Employees and Officers pdfDID Inventory Management pdfDIE Audits pdfDI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting Accounting System pdfDJB Petty Accounts pdfDJC Bidding Requirements pdfDJD Local Domestic Purchasing pdfDJE Cooperative Purchasing pdfDJFA Federal Programs and Projects pdfDJF Purchasing pdfDK Payment Process pdfDLB Salary Deductions pdfDLCA Travel Expenses pdfDLC Expense Reimbursement pdfDN Surplus District Property pdfDN Surplus School Property pdfEBAB Hazardous Materials pdfEBAC Integrated Pest Management pdfEBBA Illness and Injury Response and Prevention pdfEBBC Lactation Support pdfEBB Communicable Diseases pdfEBCA Crisis Intervention Plan pdfEBC Emergency Plans Safety Drills
pdfEB Safety Program pdfECA Building and Grounds Security pdfECB Building and Grounds Maintenance pdfECD Traffic and Parking Controls pdfECG Animals on District Property pdfEEAB School Bus Scheduling and Routing pdfEEA Student Transportation Services pdfEFB Free and Reduced Cost Food Services pdfEF Food Service Management pdfEGAAA Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials pdfEHBC Privacy Protection pdfEHB Technology Usage pdfEIA Property and Liability Insurance pdfEI Insurance Management pdfFB Facilities Planning pdfFEB Selection of Architectural Engineering and or Land Surveying Services pdfFEC Selection of Construction Management Services pdfFEE Selection of a Design Build Contractor pdfFEF Construction Contracts Bidding and Awards pdfFF Facility Names pdfGBAA Staff Extra Duty Assignments pdfGBAD Telework pdfGBA Exempt and Nonexempt Employees pdfGBBDA Family and Medical Leave pdfGBB Staff Involvement in Decision Making pdfGBCA Staff Conflict of Interest pdfGBCBC Staff Absences and Tardiness pdfGBCB Staff Conduct pdfGBCC Staff Use of Communication Devices pdfGBEA Workers Compensation pdfGBEBA Drug Free Workplace pdfGBEBB 2 Employee Alcohol and Drug Testing pdfGBEBC Criminal Background Checks pdfGBEC Communicable Diseases Employee pdfGBE Staff Health and Safety pdfGBH Staff and Student Relations pdfGBLB References pdfGBL Personnell Records pdfGBM Staff Grievances pdfGCA Professional Staff Positions pdfGCBA Professional Staff Compensation pdfGCBC Professional Staff Fringe Benefits pdfGCBDA Professional Staff Short Term Leaves pdfGCBDB Professional Staff Long Term Leaves and Absences pdfGCD Professional Staff Recruiting and Hiring pdfGCE Parttime and Substitute Professional Staff Employment pdfGCG Professional Staff Probation and Tenure pdfGCI Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers pdfGCKA Professional Staff Extra Duty pdfGCLB Professional Staff Career Ladder Program pdfGCL Professional Staff Development Opportunities pdfGCN Evaluation of Professional Staff pdfGCPA Professional Staff Early Separation pdfGCPA Reduction in Professional Staff Work Force pdfGCPB Resignation of Professional Staff Members pdfGCPC Retirement of Professional Staff Members pdfGCPD Suspension of Professional Staff Members pdfGCPE Termination of Professional Staff Members pdfGCPF Nonrenewal of Professional Staff Members pdfGCPF Renewal of Professional Staff Members pdfGDA Support Staff Positions pdfGDBA Support Staff Compensation pdfGDBB Non Exempt Employee Supplementary Pay Plans pdfGDBC Support Staff Fringe Benefits pdfGDBDA Support Staff Leaves pdfGDC Support Staff Recruiting and Hiring pdfGDI Support Staff Assignments and Transfers pdfGDL Support Staff Development Opportunities pdfGDPB Resignation of Support Staff Members pdfGDPC Retirement of Support Staff Members pdfGDPD Suspension of Support Staff Members pdfGDPE Nonrenewal and Termination of Support Staff Members pdfHazing JFCG pdfIA Instructional Goals and Priority Objectives pdfIC Academic Calendar pdfIF Curriculum Development pdfIGAB Instructional Interventions pdfIGAC IGAC pdfIGAD Career and Technical Education pdfIGAEA Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco pdfIGAEB Teaching About Human Sexuality pdfIGA Basic Instructional Programs pdfIGBA Special Education pdfIGBB Programs for Gifted Students
pdfIGBCA Programs for Homeless Students pdfIGBCB Programs for Migratory Students pdfIGBC Parent and Family Involvement and Engagement pdfIGBD At Risk Students pdfIGBE Students in Foster Care pdfIGBG Homebound Instruction pdfIGBH Programs for English Learners pdfIGBI Home Schooling pdfIGB Accommodation of Students with Disabilities pdfIGCDA FullTime MOCAP Virtual Courses pdfIGCD Virtual Courses pdfIGCE District Sponsored Instruction Options pdfIGCE Non Traditional Instruction Options pdfIGC Extended Instruction Programs pdfIGDA Student Initiated Group Use of District Facilities pdfIGDBA Distribution of Non Curricular Student Publications pdfIGDB Student Publications pdfIGDF Student Fundraising pdfIGD District Sponsored Extracurricular Activities and Groups pdfIHB Class Size pdfIIAC R Instructional Media and School Libraries pdfIIAC Instructional Media Centers and School Libraries pdfIIA Instructional Materials pdfIICA Field Trips and Excurisons pdfIICC School Volunteers pdfIKE Promotion, Acceleration and Retention of Students pdfIKFB Graduation Exercises pdfIKF Graduation Requirements pdfIK Academic Achievement pdfIL 2 Assessment Program pdfILA Test Security pdfIM Evaluation of Instructional Programs pdfINC Speakers at District Events pdfIND Ceremonies And Observances pdfJCC Transfers Outside the District pdfJCEA Admission of Students pdfJEA Compulsory and Part Time Attendance pdfJECA1 Eligibility To Enroll pdfJECC Assignment of Students to Grade Levels and Classes pdfJEC2 School Admissions pdfJEDB Student Dismissal Precautions pdfJED Student Absences and Excuses pdfJFCA Student Dress Code pdfJFCC Student Conduct on School Transportation pdfJFCE Secret Organizations pdfJFCF Bullying pdfJFCH Student Alcohol and Drug Testing pdfJFCI 1 Student Alcohol and Drug Testing pdfJFCJ Weapons in School pdfJFGA Interviews with or Removal of Students pdfJFG Searches of Students pdfJG R1 Student Discipline pdfJGA Corparal Punishment pdfJGB Detention and or In School Suspension of Students pdfJGD Student Suspension and Expulsion pdfJGE Discipline of Students with Disabilities pdfJGF Discipline Reporting and Records pdfJGGA Seclusion and Restraint pdfJG Student Discipline pdfJHA Student Insurance pdfJHCB Immunization of Students pdfJHCCA Student Health Services and Requirements pdfJHCC Communicable Diseases Student pdfJHCD Administration of Medication to Students pdfJHCF Student Allergy Prevention and Response pdfJHC Student Health Services and Requirements pdfJHDA Surveying, Analyzing, or Evaluating Students pdfJHDF Suicide Awareness and Prevention pdfJHD Student Guidance and Counseling pdfJHG Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect pdfJK Work Certificates pdfJO R Student Records pdfJO2 Student Records pdfKB AP Public Program Information pdfKC Community Engagement pdfKDA Custodial and Non Custodial Parents pdfKG AP Community Use of District Facilities pdfKH Public Gifts To The Schools pdfKI Public Solicitations and Advertising in District Facilities pdfKKB Audio and Visual Recording pdfKK Visitors to District Property and Events pdfKLA Concerns and Complaints Regarding Federal Programs pdfKLB AP Public Questions, Comments or Concerns Regarding District Instructional, Media, Library Materials pdfKNAJ Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities